Thursday, 24 March 2011

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!

"See if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed!"  (John 8 v 36)
 "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery (Galations 5v1)
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Corin 3v1) 

Do you really believe that there is freedom in Christ from things that hold you in bondage? This week in our midweek Church group we found ourselves being led back to the Cross and I believe the Lord was reminding us of all that Christ accomplished there. I think often we know that we have been saved from our sin through Christ's death but we forget that his death also was to provide liberation and freedom from the bondage and slavery caused by sin in our lives. In Col 2 v 13-14 it says “God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sin, having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood apposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.” As we worshipped I had a picture of people coming to the cross with sacks on their backs weighing them down that He wanted them to give up. I felt that the people in the picture were those who knew the Lord. You see I think sometimes as Christians we know that God has saved us but we continue to walk around with things that He wants to set us free from! We can do this for years and years and years and it can stunt our spiritual growth with the Lord. How He longs for us to be truly free!

I will give worry and addictions as an example…..

I know a lot of people consumed by worry. Not just fleeting worry but continuous worry that exhausts. I know what fear is like. I've experienced fear so intense it was nauseating. I meet a lot of people who are busy. So busy that their minds don't have time to stop. If this continues they rarely feel peace. I know what busy is. Busy leaves little space for Jesus. I heard it once said that the words BUSY could well stand for 'Being Under Satan's Yoke.' This sounds heavy but I think there is truth in this. If we are too busy then Satan has a field day because we have no time for Jesus.

In Isaiah the prophetic words of the lord are spoken, “He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” (Isaiah 61v1). Are you broken-hearted? Are you fed up of being captive by things in your life that keep stopping you run in your relationship with God? Is your mind so full that there is no room for God's light to shine? Well don't despair there is freedom! This is what Christ died for!

But how? I understand this dilemma. I was captive to an addiction for years...I knew all the theology but couldn't quite see how to be free. What was the answer? I think the first thing was that my fear of God grew greater than my addiction. I wanted to please God and honour Him and this eventually outstripped my unhelpful behaviour. Every time I gave into that behaviour I realised that I was giving in to the lies the devil was saying about me I was not worth anything. People often think of addiction in relation to drugs and alcohol. But there are many addictions. It may be a body addiction but it could also be the mind…..worry itself can be an addiction...

I think it is natural to worry from time to time but constant persistent worry is a big hindrance to the move of God in our lives. Persistent worrying can be related to CONTROL i.e.“God I don’t quite trust you to fix this so I’m going to control it myself!” I realised that was pride.When we realise that we can totally trust God there is freedom. We no longer have to sort it all out ourselves.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Corin 3v1) 

OK so you say…I get all of this and I’m really trying very hard to stop the things that are keeping me in bondage. But I’m still stuck! Well I think the HOLY SPIRIT is the key. We can’t live life without recognising that we need “the demonstration of the Spirit’s Power” (1 Corin 2v4). When we let God in by allowing the Spirit to do work and not our human effort there is freedom from bondage. This is particularly difficult with worry because that is all about our effort! But we need to come to the place where we say, "Lord I give up! I need help and cannot do this alone! Please send your Spirit to help me..!" I spent weeks just saying this prayer over and over again a couple of months ago and I often still need to do it! The more we allow the Spirit to do and the more we soak in God's love for us we will not want to try and solve these problems anymore.... in fact the act of soaking and receiving will bring freedom in itself.

Listen to this song and recieve....Freedom Rains

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