Thursday, 6 January 2011

Yes and Amen

This week I've been thinking about how God is not a God that we can fit into a 'box.' He rarely works in straight lines and often hearing His will is rather 'wiggly' and things don't turn out like we would have thought! I like to think of it as a tapestry. On one side the tapestry looks stunningly beautiful, this is the perfected us that Jesus is making us into. But the journey looks more like the back of the tapestry, rather messy, with bits of wool sticking out all over the place!!! Over these last ten days I've tried to listen hard to the will of God, in that place I have had ups and downs and sometimes I have not always heard correctly. However as always, in that place, He has taught me a few things through it. Most of all I am learning that God is a God who loves us to live righteously, to be so sold out to Him that we will say 'YES' to anything He asks. I know God doesn't always work things out the way I would plan, but I know that in the messyness of it all He is perfecting me to be more like Him and giving me greater understanding and hopefully more wisdom. Even when I mess up He uses the bits that I think are rubbish to refine me, love me, forgive me and hopefully perfect me to be a beautfiful tapestry, even if that work is not completed until I meet Him in glory. 

Through these times he seems to be continually asking me to surrender and say YES and AMEN to His will, as I am reminded by Matt Redman's song.....Yes and Amen

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